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Hiromori International Limited
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Global coverage - 54 IGC members covering 47 countries in 5 continents
Offering service to customers on global scope as well as local scope
- Global brand coordination whilst enjoying local service from local representatives in local languages, reflecting cultural preferences.
Merchandising Power
- IGC members represent a combined turnover of close to USD600 million, a huge purchasing / bargaining power.
- The IGC countries pool its resources to identify best-in-class manufacturing opportunities throughout the world.
- Established preferred supplier base.
Hiromori Group is one of the oldest members of IGC
IGC is your best partner for Global Procurement
IGC是个国际性礼品组织, 基本上每个国家只有一个会员,会员覆盖五大洲,遍及47个国家的54个会员。
- 在为品牌作国际化协调的同时,IGC通过在当地代表,提供适合当地民俗文化的客户服务。
- IGC会员的合并营业额接近6亿美元,拥有巨大的采购及议价能力。
- IGC拥有的国际网络资源,可以选取在世界各地中最佳的生产商机。